What is Sunscreen and Why Should I Use it?


We asked our esthetician Dallas for some assistance with these important questions!

What is sunscreen and why is it important to use?

Sunscreen is a substance that protects the skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
It’s important to wear sunscreen daily, even when you don’t think you need it! UV rays can penetrate through clouds, rain, fog, windows, and clothing. Exposure to UV rays can lead to skin cancer, premature aging, dry coarse skin, sun spots, and even cause acne.

How do I choose the right SPF for my skin type and activities?

Look into your Fitzpatrick skin type (a commonly used system to describe a person’s skin type in terms of response to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure) types 1-3 are at higher risk for skin cancer and premature aging. They’re naturally the paler skin tones on the scale and will need a MINIMUM of 30 spf. Types 4-6 can be prone to hyperpigmentation and have naturally darker skin tones. They should use a minimum of 15 spf.

What are the differences between chemical and physical sunscreens?

Chemical sunscreen absorbs into the skin, converting the sun’s UV rays into heat. They take 15-20 minutes to start working.

Physical sunscreen sits on top of the skin and creates a barrier to block UV rays from the skin. It activates immediately and doesn’t require any wait time. Physical sunscreen can be better for sensitive skin types.

Do you have a fav sunscreen?

l love the Aveda daily light guard. It has a spf of 30 so it’s perfect for any skin type. I have more sensitive skin and it’s a mineral sunscreen so it never irritates and it’s even non ancenegenic
